What’s better than coming home to a perfectly decorated home with the vibes to match? That same decor being created by a Black designer.
The Jungalow
It’s giving me Anthropologie vibes without the code words for black people.
Effortless Composition
It’s giving me Crate & Barrel with less following around the store and more Afro-inspired, natural elements.
Reflektion Design
It’s giving me the souvenir your rich aunt brings you back from her trip to the Motherland, but this is actually something you’ll keep on display in the living room.
Frequency of Love by Zoe
It’s giving me pop-art, African prints and Black icons.
Rayo and Honey
It’s giving me daily affirmations that are way cuter than sticking Post-it notes to the mirror.
Expedition Subsahara
It’s giving me grown woman vibes with enough money for a healthy flex.
BLK MKT Vintage
It’s giving me woke, modern-day Revolutionary art to let guests know what you’re truly about.
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like “You look gorgeous in that dress”, or “That nail polish looks amazing on those beautiful fingers of yours”, but don’t overdo it though. It sounds genuine and I can say this with guarantee, no one has ever complimented her like that, and she will think of you whenever she wears that dress or nail-polish again.
You can say how good looking a girl is all day long. There are so many pretty, even beautiful girls. But honestly she’s heard that before. If you really take notice of her and what she wants, likes, needs, and you use that to get closer to her (with honorable intentions behind it) it will blow her away. It goes beyond compliments.
show what you genuinely feel and everything will be good. I hope i have given the answer to your question.
Common compliments or comments are too boring. If a girl is beautiful, it is likely that she has heard “You are very beautiful” throughout her entire life. You telling that again won’t make much of a difference. Rather comment on her dress, nail-polish, earings, eyelashes, etc. Say something situational,
Since there are different types of girls, we cannot arrive at a general conclusion. But a bit of poetry, a bit of thoughtfulness and soulfulness of the words and a break from objectifying comments should be the foundation. This is what girls (or shall we say, women?) mostly like.
My friend which comment girls like the most may be difficult to tell because it is something which changes from person to person, but i can tell you which are the comments which you should not say to a girl.
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Ojffsfjhnwsfjebgejfwjfiehi jiffniehfshiufhaeifnjskgehiwuw fjefje
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